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Custom fields in tasks

By default, tasks only have fixed attribute fields for Name, Description, Members, and Deadline, and users can extend the attribute fields of a task with custom content. Custom content can be filled in and viewed directly on the edit page, just like the task name or description.


1. Personnel Recruitment

Create tasks for recruitment management. Design a task interface similar to a resume, and display the required information directly in the task to improve the efficiency of viewing and filtering.

2. Sales Funnel Management Or CRM Management

The custom content of tasks can also be applied to more scenarios, such as R&D process, after-sales process, e-commerce operation, marketing activities, engineering project management, architectural drawing design, etc.

We provide 12 types of controls. You can combine and design according to your needs to create a flexible, efficient and versatile task center.

How to set up custom content

Not all tasks require custom content, and different tasks require different custom content.

Therefore, the custom content needs to be set by the project administrator in the project, and the tasks in this project use the set custom content.

  1. Select the project and enter the edit page (only project administrator and owner can operate)

  2. Select the control to design

    You can drag and drop the left control to the edit area, or click [+] on the right side of the control to enter the edit area automatically. In the editing area, you can drag and drop the control to change its position or delete it.

  3. Click the selected control and edit it on the right side.

  4. After editing all controls, click [Save] in the upper right corner.

  5. The attachment at the bottom details the settings of each control, or you can click here to download it for view.

Filtering of custom fields

The contents of the [Options] and [Dropdown Menu] controls can be filtered (other controls are not supported), enriching the filtering items in the task.

Take the task [Personnel Recruitment] for example, the task is extended with fields such as gender, education, and hiring department. When you need a resume for the sales department, you can filter it for a quick search.

Project Templates

We have 11 built-in project templates with custom content and project boards already set up in the template. You can select a template to create a project directly.

The built-in content in the templates is not applicable to all, if it deviates from your business specification, you can change it after you create the project.


  1. Newly created or newly added tasks in the project use the custom content set before.

  2. If a task is moved out of the project, the custom content will be cleared and cannot be restored.

  3. Once the control is used, it cannot be changed. If you change it, the previous data will be cleared and cannot be restored.

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