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Node - Interface Push

Node: With this node, click the buttton and a new page can be opened automatically, or a pop-up window. For example, it can automatically open the details page of a record, or pop up a custom message alert.

  • Pop-up Notification

    • Pop-up a prompt

      It is a short prompt that will appear at the top and disappear automatically. You can only set the content and theme color.

    • Notification on a card

      It appears at the bottom and can be set not to disappear automatically. The notification card can contain a title, description, and button, suitable for notifications with more text or buttons for actions.

  • Open a Page

    • Open the creation page of a record
    • Open the details page of a record
    • Open a view in the worksheet
    • Open a link

Can't see this node?

  • This node is only available in Enterprise and Ultimate Editions.

  • This node is available only in workflows triggered by custom buttons or worksheets.

  • Between the trigger node and this node, there cannot be nodes like [Approval], [Fill in], [Delay][Subflow] or [PBP] that may take time.


Use Case: For a ticket record, if it is for new features , click the button to automatically open the page to create a new requirement record.

1. Add a [New Feature] button

2. Configure the workflow

3. Add the [Add Record] node

4. Add the [Interface Push] node

Push content: Open details page of the record.

Record: Select the record created by the [Add Record] node.

Open with: Pop up or open new page. Here select [Open new page].

5. Publish the workflow and test

Use Case: Based on the above, after creating a record, it is not automatically opened, but a prompt for success creation is needed. If the user wants to view it, they can click a button to do so.

In this case, a card notification with a button needs to be set.

1. Push Content: Card notification

2. Notification Type: Select [Done] (green theme)

3. Title and Description: You can customize the content, or choose fields from the node.

4. Auto Disappear: Choose the mode based on your needs.

5. Button: Add a [View] button on the card.

Possible errors

  • There may be [Approval], [Delay], [Fill in], or [Subflow] nodes before the [Interface Push] node.
  • The pushed link is invalid.
  • Only the first [Interface Push] node can be executed in a workflow if there are more than one.

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