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Differences Between [Initiate Approval Flow] and [Approval]

There are two nodes in the workflow that enable the approval process, [Initiate Approval Flow] node and [Approval] node. These two nodes have their own characteristics and deficiencies, and their differences are described in detail below.

Advantages of [Initiate Approval Flow] Node

This node can be regarded as an approval process block or approval sub-process. In the approval process, you still need to add an [Approval] node, [Fill in] node, [Branch] node, or [CC] node to for specific business operations.

The [Initiate Approval Flow] node can realize the following that cannot be realized by the approval process built by the [Approval] node alone.

  1. Approval information can be directly displayed in the worksheet, and you can directly perform approval-related operations without having to view workflow messages or pending workflows.

  2. Administrators can intervene and suspend the workflow and replace workflow operators.

  3. It supports the continuation of the process after the operation is withdrawn.

  4. Regardless of whether the result of each approval node in the process is Reject or Pass, there will be a unified approval result for subsequent process.

  5. The configured [Initiate Approval Flow] can be used as a template that can be copied and used in other processes with the same approval structure.

Therefore, it is recommended to set up the approval process through the [Initiate Approval Flow] node as much as possible.

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