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Creator/Owner/Joiner of Record

Each record in the worksheet is a business object and there may be different members collaborating on it, so you need to configure the members with different permissions for viewing, editing, and deleting records.

First, let's see what roles are involved in a record.

1. Creator of a record

It is the operator who created the record.

According to the ways to create a record, there are four types of creators:

  • For records manually added by the user, the creator is showed with name of the operator.
  • For records created through public forms, the creator is showed as "public form".
  • For records created through workflow, the creator is showed as "Workflow".
  • For records created through API, the creator is showed as "API".

The creator is just an identity, not representing permissions, and you can't change the creator to someone else. In fact, when you want to change the creator, what you need is to change the administrative permissions.

2. Owner of a record

The owner, who is the actual owner and administrator of a record, has the permissions to view, edit, and delete the record. When creating a record, the owner is the creator by default, and you can select other members as the owner.

4 ways to become the owner of a record

2.1 Members selected in system field [Owner]

There are several system fields in the records of each worksheet, such as creator, creation time, modification time and owner. Only one member can be selected as the owner of each record, or it can be set to [Not specified].

How to set the system field [Owner] for a record

  • When editing a single record

  • When batch editing the owner of multiple records

2.2. Selected user in [Members] field

In the [Members] field, you can select the HAP account of your colleague or friends, and the selected member has the permissions of the administrator. When setting up the field, select [Owner], the permissions of which are the same as the owner mentioned above.

As shown below: For a work order, there will be different owners at different stages, so you can use the [Members] field to select different users.

2.3. Selected members in [Department] field

If [Owner] is selected when setting up the [Department] field, the members in the selected department are assigned owner's permissions.

2.4. Selected members in [O-roles] field

If [Owner] is selected when setting up the [O-roles] field, the members of the selected role are assigned the owner's permissions.

What is the difference between the system owner and owners selected in [Members]/[Department]/[O-roles] fields?

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Users selected in the [Members], [Department] and [O-roles] fields are simply assigned the same permissions as the owner and are only valid when configuring permissions, these members will not be synchronized to the system owner field and have to be treated separately when filtering.

For example, when filtering by owner in a worksheet or changing the owner through a workflow, it refers to the system owner.

3. Members of a record

A member or joiner of a record, like a member of a task, is a participant and has only viewing permissions for the record, not management permissions.

How to become a member of a record?

There is only one way to join a record, that is, to be selected in the [Members] field. In the configuration below, set the selected users as [Members].

The owner or the user selected in the [Members] field (Owner) must also be a joiner or member of the record.

The roles mentioned above are shown below

4. Joined by users

When configuring which records a role can operate on, there will be the option [joined by user], which means that if you are a member, you joined the record, and if you are an owner, you naturally joined record as well.

5. Actual permissions of roles

Whether the record owner and members actually have the corresponding permissions also depends on whether the Application Admin has assigned the permissions to the user's role.

For example, when configuring roles, the role does not have the permissions to edit records, so even the record owner cannot modify the records.

If the Application Admin selects [All] for the editing permissions of the role, even the joiner can edit the record.

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