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Click the button at the bottom right of the page to open the Contacts.

New Friend

Users recommended to you and users who have requested to add you as a friend are displayed here.

App Messages

System notifications related to posts, tasks, calendars, knowledge, file transfers, apps, and workflows are displayed here.

All Contacts

Colleagues and friends are all your contacts, and only contacts can chat with each other. It only displays contacts when adding members.

My Groups

Here displays all the groups you have joined, including personal groups, organization groups, and groups of other organizations you have joined.

Chat (temporary discussion group) will not be displayed in the Contacts.


Users who have friended each other with you.

How to Add Friends {#friend}

  1. Go to [Contacts] > [Add Contacts] > [Personal Contacts], then enter the phone number or email to search. If they have already registered, you can directly add them as a friend. If they haven't registered yet, click to invite and send registration information, you will automatically become friends after registering.

  2. If you want to add a colleague as a friend, find the colleague in the Contacts, click their name, and you will see the [Add Contacts] button. Even if you or the colleague leave the organization, you will still be friends.

  3. To add a non-colleague as a friend, click [Send Message] or click the name to enter their profile, it will prompt you to add them as a friend.

View by Organization

You can search for colleagues and organization groups by department. If the Organization Admin has set rules to hide some contacts, you will not see all colleagues, only those visible to you.

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