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Function: On the to-do page, the workflows that need you to approve, fill in, and view are all here. You can also view the workflows you have already processed.

If APP Admins want to view workflows that are not involved, they can go to the admin page to view the execution history of the workflow.


  • PC

    There are two ways to enter the to-do page. One is to click [To-do] in the navigation bar on the left side of the home page. The other is to enter an application first, then click [To-do].

  • APP

[Pending/To fill]

Here are the workflows that you need to approve or fill in. Click on the target workflow to view the record that triggered the workflow and approve or fill in it.

You can batch approve pending workflows. Required fields are ignored for batch approval.

If a workflow cannot be checked, it means that the admin does not allow batch approval for this workflow, or batch approval is not enabled when this workflow is triggered.

Search and Filter

A: Search record name

B: Filter records by the creator

C: View records based on a workflow in the application

Names on the page

[To read]

The messages sent to you via the [Send station notice] node are displayed in [To read]. You can click [Read] one by one, or you can click [Checked all].

Click on a message and you can view the details of the record and the progress of the workflow.

[My initiated]

Workflows triggered by you and waiting for others to approve or fill in will be displayed here. Workflows for others to view are not displayed here.


The workflows that you approved, filled in, and viewed, as well as the workflows that initiated by you and completed are displayed here. Only the workflow for the last three months is displayed by default.

You can quickly find a workflow by filtering the application or workflow status, or by searching.

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