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Batch Refresh Records

Batch refresh can help to:

  • Refresh field values

  • Refresh the sorting or scoring of options

  • Refresh encryption rules

Entrance to batch refresh: In the grid view, batch refreshing is available after selecting multiple records.

This feature is only available to APP Admins.

1. Why to refresh field values

In order to ensure the performance of the worksheet, if there are more than 100,000 rows of records in a worksheet, the data will not be updated automatically after modifying the configuration (like modifying the formula field). If necessary, you can refresh it manually.

For example, the original formula was configured as Quantity Unit Price, later the formula was changed to Quantity Unit Price * Discount. If there are less than 100,000 records in the current worksheet, the existing records will be automatically updated after saving the settings; if more than 100,000, you need to manually refresh to update the data.

After modifying the configuration of the fields such as Formula, Rollup, Concat, and Foreign, you need to refresh data manually.

2. Why to refresh the sorting of options

The logic for the sorting of the options is:

Behind each option, there is a hidden serial number that records the location of the option, as shown below. Once an option is selected in a record, the option's serial number is recorded and is used as the basis for the sorting by option in the view. If the option is repositioned later, or a new option is added, the serial number of some options will change. For example, if the hierarchy rule in the figure is changed, and A+, B+, and C+ are added, the options are renumbered, and A, which had a serial number of 1, now has a serial number of 2.

When the position of an option is changed, the serial number stored in the history is not updated automatically and needs to be refreshed manually.

3. Why to refresh the scores of the options

The update of the assigned score is similar to the sorting of options, if you update the score of the option, it is not certain whether the previous score should be updated or not, just like the unit price of sales for history orders, the history data can not be changed. To be on the safe side, if the update is needed, the APP Admins can manually refresh the score and the formula involved will also be refreshed.

Notification when refresh is completed

Data refreshing is performed asynchronously and requires waiting if there is a large amount of data. There will be a message notification when the refresh is completed.


After the refresh is completed, you can view the operation details in the logs.

Refresh interval is at least 2 hours

After the batch refresh, it will take 2 hours before it can be refreshed again.

Refresh up to 100,000 rows at a time

Up to 100,000 rows of records can be refreshed at one time, so when selecting records to refresh, it is recommended to limit the number of records to 100,000 with the filter. If more than 100,000 rows, only the first 100,000 rows of data will be refreshed according to the creation time.

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