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Planned and actual start and end time of tasks

You can set planned and actual start and end time of tasks.


The system will show that the task is delayed by X days, completed X days ahead of schedule, or overdue by X days based on the planned start and end time you set.

The upper part of the dotted line is the planned time, the lower part is the actual time. The delayed or overdue part is displayed in proportion to the time.

The display in the task list is as follows.

I. How to set and modify the palnned and actual time

Set the planned start and end time

Select a task and click [Set start time] and [Set finish time]. Click the set time to adjust or clear it.

Set the actual start and end time

  • If you want to set the actual start time, you must first set a planned start time.

Clicking [Start Now] is to set the start time, and it can be modified or cleared.

  • The actual end time is the time to mark the completion of the task.Click the actual end time to modify it (The status of the task becomes incomplete, and the previous actual end time is cleared).

II. Task status

It includes not started, active, and completed.


After the task is marked as completed, the status will be [Completed].

  • For tasks without a planned end time set: Completed on time
  • For tasks that have a planned end time set, but are actually completed later than the planned time: Late completion
  • For tasks that have a planned end time and are actually completed earlier than planned: Completed early

[Not Started] and [Active] are incomplete status.

Not Started

  • For tasks with a planned start time (actual start time is empty) and a start time later than today: Not started.
  • For tasks with a planned start time (actual start time is empty) and a start time earlier than today: Not started (Delayed and not started).
  • For tasks that have an actual start time set, but the actual start time is later than today: Not started.
  • For tasks with an actual start time set, but an actual start time later than today, and a planned start time earlier than today: Not started (Delayed and not started).


  • For tasks with no planned start time or planned end time set : Active.
  • For tasks that do not have a planned start time, but have a planned end time and the planned end time later than today: Active.
  • For tasks that do not have a planned start time, but have a planned end time and have a planned end time earlier than today: Active (overdue).

When filtering tasks, you can filter by the status of the task.

Incomplete tasks include both unstarted and active tasks.

All tasks include unstarted tasks, active tasks, and completed tasks.

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