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Set Default Value - Query Worksheet

Function: When creating a record, if you need data that already exists in current worksheet or other worksheets, you can set query criteria to search it in the specified worksheet and fill the data into the fields.

Setting default values by querying the worksheet is available for common fields, associated fields and fields in subforms.

Use Case

1. Set default values for common fields

Scenario: When submitting a reimbursement request, the bank and account number defaults to the one in the applicant’s last reimbursement request.

1). Set a dynamic default value for the field [Bank Account] by querying worksheet

2). Select the queried worksheet and set query conditions

When querying a worksheet, all the data in the worksheet is queried, not just the data visible to the current user.

  • Only all [And] or all [Or] relationships between multiple query conditions.

  • There may be more than one record that matches the query condition, in this case you can set to get only the first record of the current sort, or not.

  • It supports multi-field sorting.

3). Write the results to the field

The queried data is written to the current field. (Here configure the default value of the bank card number.)


2. Set default values for associated fields

Scenario: When creating an order, the corresponding contact in the worksheet Contact can be found after entering the phone number and automatically associate it.

1). Set a dynamic default value for the field [Contact] by querying worksheet

2). Set query conditions

When setting default values for associated fields, you don’t need to select the queried worksheet.

What you need is to find a record from the worksheet Contact that has the same phone number as the one entered in the current record.

If found, they are automatically associated and there is no need to configure the fields to be written.


3. Set default values for fields in the subform/associated record

Scenario: When inspecting equipment, after entering name of the equipment, the relevant inspection items and methods can be obtained from the worksheet Equipment Inspection Template, and then they are automatically filled into the subform.

1). Set dynamic default values for the subform

The default value for sunforms cannot set through [Other field values].

2). Set query conditions

  • You can set how many rows of data to be queried, up to 200 rows. Up to 50 rows are supported in card mode.

3). Set the mapping between the fields written to the subform and the queried fields

The queried data needs to be written to the subform, so you need to set the mapping between the fields written to the subform and the queried field.

On the left are the fields in the subform, and on the right are the fields in the queried worksheet.


4). Extension

When inspecting equipment, in fact, we rarely enter the equipment name, but associate the equipment record (you can scan the code to associate), and then set the default value of the field [Equipment Name] to the name of the associated equipment. After this, you can set default values for the subforms by querying worksheet.

  • Set the default value for the field [Equipment Name]

  • Effect:

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