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Public Form

If a worksheet is visible to the public, non-internal application members can submit data without logging in, but through a public link or code scanning; the WeChat identity will be obtained when submitting in WeChat, and the user can modify the data based on the identity after submission.

Use Case

  • Collect registration information, questionnaires, and customer satisfaction surveys.

  • If the worksheet Work Order is visible to public, users can click the link to submit work orders.

Basic Configuration


Create a Registration worksheet and share the data fill-in link or QR code to the public, where external users can submit data.

1. Entrance to Public Form

After setting the fields in the worksheet, go to [Public Release] > [Public Form] > [Enable].

2. Set the style of the public form

  1. Set the theme background

  2. Upload the logo

  3. Set title of the public form

    It defaults to the name of the worksheet, and can be modified. If modified, it is no longer updated here if the worksheet name is changed.

  4. Add description for the public form

  5. The [Submit] button

    The button defaults to [Submit], and can be modified to [Save], etc.

After setting, click the [Preview] button in the upper right corner to check it.

3. Add target fields

  • Not all fields in the worksheet need to be visible to the public, and you can choose to add the fields you need.
  • You can drag and drop to adjust the arrangement of the fields, not necessarily in line with the worksheet.
  • Clicking [Reset public form fields] can restore the form to the original state. The hidden fields and arrangement is no longer valid.
  • Some fields cannot be visible to the public, such as members, department, o-role, etc.
  • If users want to upload files in the public form, each file cannot exceed 64M.

After setting the form, you can get and share the link and QR code.

  • After closing the public form, users will not be able to submit data via links or QR codes.

  • Once you regenerate a link, the previous link is no longer valid.

Publish Settings

At the time of data collection, some necessary restrictions can be set, such as the period during which users can submit data, how many times the user can fill in the form, whether a password is required, the target users, etc.

6. Target users of the public form

  • All Users: No restrictions on users, and they can fill in without logging in.

  • Platform Users: Only those users who have signed up for HAP will be able to fill in the form.

  • Organization Users: Users who have signed up for HAP and also joined the current organization can only fill in the form.

If [Platform Users] or [Organization Users] are selected, users need to log in.

7. Time period in which the user can submit the form

There are two ways to restrict users to submit data within a specified time period.

  • Start/Stop time of the link

    • You can set a time period during which data can only be submitted properly.

    • Submissions earlier or later than this time period are not allowed and will be prompted on the page.

    • If [Show Countdown] is checked, it displays as [Collection will end in 3 days, 2 hours and 17 seconds]; if it is unchecked, it displays as [Collection will end at 2023-08-10 20:00].

  • Set the time period for filling in

    You can set the time period during which users can fill in forms by month, day, day of the week, hour, minute, and so on.

The above two methods can be set together.


8. Limit the number of collections

Set an upper limit and stop data collection when the number of collections reaches the set limit.

The number here is the number of public collections and does not include the number of records created within the application.

There will also be a prompt on the submission page:

Application Admins can check the collection on the form configuration page.

9. Limit the number of times a user can fill in the form

You can select [Unlimited] (closed), [Only once], or [Once per day].

10. Fill in by password

It generates a four-digit random password by default, which can be customized.

After setting the password, users have to enter the password before they can see the filling in page.

10. Validation before submission

There are two types of validation before submission available that can be turned on to prevent malicious data scrubbing:

  • SMS verification

    If the user fills in a phone number in the form, an SMS verification code is required.

    Only when the correct verification code is entered the user can submit the form.

    RMB 0.05 per verification SMS, deducted directly from the organization's account. No SMS will be sent if the organization's account balance is insufficient. The signature of the SMS is defaulted to HAP, which can be changed to the name of your organization (the signature for international numbers is always HAP).

  • Graphical verification

    When submitting, there is a graphical verification. The user can submit the form only after completing the puzzle.


  • If both are enabled, SMS verification goes first, and then the graphical verification.

  • Even if SMS verification is enabled, no verification will be performed if the phone number is not filled in.

Cache the filled data

  • Cache unsubmitted data

    When the user opens the link and fills in some data but leaves the page without submitting it, if [Cache unsubmitted content for auto-filling next time] is turned on, the next time the user opens the link, it will automatically fill in the previously filled fields.

    This is a browser-related feature. After clearing the browser cache, the cached data here will also be cleared.

  • Cache the last submitted data

    If users need to fill in the data many times and much of the content is the same, you can enable [Cache local filling data for auto-filling next time], so that every time the user opens the form, the data that has been submitted before will be automatically filled in, and the user only needs to modify part of the content. Users can cache the content of specified fields.

    This is a browser-related feature. After clearing the browser cache, the cached data here will also be cleared.

WeChat Settings

When a user fills in a form on WeChat, it can get the OpenID, nickname and avatar of WeChat.

Collect filler's WeChat information

  • Collection Channel

    To collect the filler's WeChat information, you need to rely on a WeChat service account, you can use HAP's service account, or choose the service account that is bound with your organization.

  • Retrieve Filling Information

    There are two ways to obtain information, silent retrieval, no manual authorization required and authorized retrieval, manual authorization required.

    • When it is a silent retrieval, only the Openid of the WeChat user can be retrieved.

    • When it is an authorized retrieval, it can get the Openid, nickname, and avatar of the WeChat user.

    • Select fields for the WeChat information, and the fields will not be displayed on the filling in page.

      For example, if you save the nickname to the Name field, the Name field is not displayed on the filling in page.

If you choose the service account bound with your organization, it can only silently get the OpenId of the WeChat user.

Manual authorization required:

Only allow filling in WeChat

If it is turned on, the user can only open the link on WeChat and cannot fill in the form when opening the link on other apps and will be given a prompt.

Enhanced Features

When [Collect filler's WeChat information] is turned on, or [Platform Users] or [Organization Users] is selected, it can recognize the identity of the current filler, and then it can get the content of its last submission. After obtaining, it can automatically fill into the form, or allow the user to view or modify the content of the last submission.

  • Retrieve the last submission from the filler and auto-fill

    It can automatically fill obtained content into the specified fields.

  • Allow viewing/modification after submission

Form completion receipt

Here you can set the prompt text or the action required after submitting the form. Rich text is supported.

After submission:

Source parameters and device information

Extended parameters

You can add extended parameters to the link and save them in the worksheet (text field).

As shown above:

If this public form is published in baidu, toutiao, weixin, then three corresponding exclusive links will be generated. The three sources (baidu, toutiao, weixin) will be recorded in the field [Source].

Enter “weibo”, click [Generate the link], an exclusive link and QR code in weibo will be generated.

Fields that are selected to record extended values are not displayed on the filling in page.

Manually spliced parameters or automatically spliced parameters are also available in the source link, without clicking the [Generate the link].

The following link is not clickable and is only a sample format.

These three links are only different after [=], and this part is the parameter, so we can directly modify it to “weibo”.

This link can also record the source, but the QR code cannot be obtained automatically.

Likewise, you can automatically splice source links through a workflow. Selecting a dynamic field as a parameter can automatically generate a public link, recording the sources.

Device Information

You can record user’s IP address, browser, device, and operating system to the worksheet (text field). If there is no proper field in the form, you can click [+New Text Field] to create.

After submitting the data, the obtained device information is automatically written to the selected fields.

Fields that are selected to record deveice information are not displayed on the filling in page.

Embedded HTML

It requires the involvement of R&D staff, to embed the page into your other websites.

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