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Introduction to Custom Page

In a custom page, APP Admin can configure what is displayed in this page. Custom pages are commonly used as dashboards to display charts in the current application for members to view, analyze data, and make decisions.

Currently, users can add charts, buttons, filters, rotating charts, views, rich text, and embedded URLs to custom pages .

I. How to create a custom page

1. Create a new custom page

Click [+ Application Item] > [Custom Page] > [Canvas], and enter a name for this page, such as Dashboard.

2. Add the required components

Add the required components from the left side as needed.

3. Modify components

Admin can only modify the configuration of each component by entering the editing page of the custom page.

Operations for single component

In the editing page of the custom page, mouse over the target component to see the operation button.

  • Settings: Modify the configuration of the component

  • Add a title

  • Copy

  • Move: Move the chart to another custom page. You can move the chart to an application of which you are an Admin.

  • Delete

  • Sort (click on the empty area at the top of the component and drag the components to reorder them)

4. Resize the component

Click on the lower right corner of the component and drag to enlarge or shrink the component.

5. Set the display of the component on the phone

Since the page size of PC and App are different, the display will also be different, so you can set the display for App.

Components not needed in the App can be hidden, and the order between components can also be adjusted.

6. Display Settings-Screen Adaptivity

If enabled, all components in this page will be displayed in one screen, which may result in some components not being displayed completedly.

Ⅱ. Operations for Page

1. Page sharing

You can share custom pages, or embed them in other systems.

  • Embed link

    You can embed a custom page to other systems via a link. It includes only the components in the custom page, not the left and right navigation bars and right top of the platform (If the page is shared in this way, the user needs to logged in and view it based on permissions).


  • Public sharing

    You can make custom pages visible to the public and users can view them without logging in.

    Only APP Admin can enable it. Only after it is enabled, other members can share the link or QR code. The sharing status of each custom page is disabled by default.


2. Save as image and full-screen display

You can view the custom page in full screen, or save it as a PNG image. The image does not include the top navigation and left or right navigation.

3. Operations for single chart

Single chart can be exported to Excel, shared, edited with descriptions and saved as images.

More detailed introduction

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