Ranking List
Features: It shows the distribution and ranking of a certain data in a dimension, with a descending ranking of TOP X.
The following is an example of how to create a ranking list.
Example: Show the ranking of the number of people in each city in China
Data range: Select the view [Current Year Census] in the worksheet [Resident Population]
Dimension: Select the field [City]
Progress indicator (value): Select the field [People]
Configuration Steps
1. Create a new chart
Enter the configuration page of the chart.
2. Set the data source
You can choose whether a particular view, or all records.
Data range: select the view [Current Year Census]
If you need to filter further, you can add filter conditions.
3. Dimension
Select the field [City].
4. Progress indicator (value)
Select the field [People]. Click [Save] to finish the chart configuration.
Field names are shown only when there are multiple values.
More Settings in Style
5. A: Data bar
It is displayed by default.
If there are only numbers on the chart and no figures, you can check here.
6. B: TOP style
You can choose icons for the top three according to your preference.
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