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Introduction to Org Chart

The hierarchy structure in the organization can be presented in the Org Chart. It serves for the following:

  • Data Filter in View

  • Configure Permission for Roles

  • Nodes Setting in Workflow

For Admins

Entrance to Org Chart

Click the profile photo and go to [Org Admin] > [User] > [Org Chart].

1. Add the top leader

If you are using HAP for the first time, add a top leader (you can add more than one). Once added, you can then remind other members of the organization to set their subordinates.

2. Operations for a member

  • Add subordinates for a member
  • Replace
  • Remove
  1. Each member can only have one superior but can have multiple subordinates.
  2. Deleting a member will only romove the relationship with their superior, not with their subordinates, and the member and their subordinates will no longer appear in the org chart, but only when he is added again, the member and their subordinates will appear again.

3. Manage and view the org chart

[Allow employees to self-manage subordinates]: If checked, members can add their own subordinates; if unchecked, they can only view. [Everyone can view org chart]: If checked, users can view the complete chart in the organization; if unchecked, they can only view their superiors and subordinates.

For Members

Non-admins can go to [Personal account] > [My Org] to add subordinates, but not superiors.

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