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External Users and External Collaborators

I. External Portal

You can enable the external portal for each application in your organization, where external users can sign up. On the organization management page, administrators can view and manage external users in all applications. It includes:

  • Expansion and renewal of external users

  • Query and delete external users

Query external users

  • Filter external users by application
  • Filter by signup and login time
  • Search for name and phone number
  • Sort by signup time and last login time

Delete external users

You can delete external users one by one or in bulk.

As shown below, if a user signed up for external portals of different applications, it is considered as different users. To delete him is to remove him from one application, he can still log in to the external portal of other applications.

II. External Collaboration

What is an external collaborator

An external collaborator is not a member of the organization, it is a member of the organization who has invited a user to join one of the collaboration modules in the organization for collaboration, which is called an external collaborator. Collaboration modules include tasks, projects, files, or groups.

How to invite external collaborators to join modules like apps or groups

  • When adding a member, select from Contacts or cooperators.
  • Send a link of an application, group, or task to a user who can apply to join when he opens the link.

Management of external collaborators

Organization Administrators can manage external collaborators in the organization by going to [Org Admin] > [Users] > [External Users] > [Collaboration].

  • Click the number to view the modules that the collaborator has joined.

  • Remove collaborators from joined tasks, projects, files, and groups.

If a collaborator is no longer involved in any of the collaboration modules, he will not be shown here.

Collaborators in an app will not be shown in the list of collaborators in the organization management page, go to the user module in the app to view external users.

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