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Control - Barcode

Sometimes you may need to show some content as barcode or QR code in the record, which is easy for users to access through cell phones or other devices. For example:

  • Display the content of a material code field as a barcode, which can be quickly read by a scanning gun.

  • Convert a record's URL to a QR code that can be quickly scanned and opened by application members.

The above can all be done with the barcode control:

Barcode Type and Data Source

  • There are two types of barcode and QR code.

  • There are two types of data sources for barcodes, a field value and an internal link to the current record.

I. Configuration of Barcode Field

The barcode control is relatively simple. It can only convert letters or numbers in a field to a barcode.

Use Case: Display the device number in the record as a barcode

1. Add the barcode control

2. Set the barcode control

  • A Field name: change it to Device Number

  • B Type: barcode

  • C Data Source:

    The data source is which field's content you want to convert to barcode. Here, select the Device Number field.

    In the selection box, the first optional field is the Row ID. It is a system field that represents a unique code for this current record. You can locate the current record by this ID.

    View more details about Row ID

  • D Maximum Width

    It is the maximum width of the barcode to be displayed in the page.

After saving, the system will refresh to generate barcode, and you can directly open an existing record to check.

II. Configuration of QR Code Field

Use Case: Display the QR code of the link to the current device record in the record

1. Add the barcode control

2. Set the control

  • A Field name: QR Code

  • B Type: QR Code

  • C: Data Source

    The data source of the QR code can be selected from the fields, or it can be a link accessed by an internal member of the current record. Here choose [Logging internal access links], the actual content of the link is the same as the link obtained in the following figure.

    The selection of fields is the same as the barcode configuration.

  • Fault Tolerance

    Fault tolerance refers to the ability of the QR code to be scanned after how much it has been obscured. The higher the error tolerance, the easier the QR code will be scanned and the more complex the QR code image will be. Four levels of error tolerance are supported, such as 7%, 15%, 25% and 30%.

  • Maximum Width

    The maximum width of the QR code displayed in the page.

After saving, the system will refresh to generate QR code, and you can directly open an existing record to check.


  • Only numbers, letters and symbols can be converted in the barcode field. If there are Chinese characters, they will be filtered out.

  • Up to 150 characters are supported in the fields used as the data source for QR code. If more than 150 characters, only the first 150 characters are encoded (No restriction on internal access links to records).

  • Fields used as data source can only be of text type, such as text, email, telephone, concat, auto number, and foreign (and the source field is of the previous field type).

  • The barcode image is not stored in the server. It is generated in the front-end according to the field content when the page is opened. It can not be printed with Word templates, only system printing templates.

  • Limitations of Barcode Field

    • It can not be used as a display field in cards, such as cards in board view, cards in gallery view, or cards of associated records, only as the cover of cards.

    • The barcode field cannot be added to a sub-form.

    • Barcode fields cannot be displayed in the associated record (multiple row).

    • It cannot be used as a title field.

    • It cannot be filtered or sorted.

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