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Storage and Cellular Data

There is no limit to the total storage within the platform, only to the monthly cellular data for uploading attachments.

1. Cellular data for uploading attachments in application (by organization)

It includes: attachments uploaded in file fields, in discussions of worksheet and record.

  • Free Edition: 2G/Year
  • Standard Edition: 50G/Year
  • Enterprise Edition: 150G/Year
  • Ultimate Edition: 300G/Year

If the cellular data is controlled by organization, every member in the organization shares the data. The paid edition also supports expansion packages for RMB 200/10G/per year. If the contract is not enough for a full year, it is discounted proportionally.

The Free Edition does not support expansion packages.

How to view organization's current data:

II. Cellular data for uploading attachments in other modules (by user)

It includes attachment uploaded in Chat, Post, Task, Calendar, and Files, controlled by users.

  • Free Edition: 300M/Month/User

  • Paid Edition: 10G/Month/User

If you join N paid organizations, it is 10N(G)/Month/User.

How to view user's current data:

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