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Control - O-roles

Organization roles are more flexible labels compared to departments. In an organization role field, users can choose roles in the organization, or it will automatically select the organization role of the current user.

Setting Details

1. Selection method: Single/Multiple select   

If it is single selection, only one organization role can be chosen; if it is multiple selection, multiple organization roles can be chosen. After saving the field settings, the selection method can still be switched.

When selecting multiple organization roles, users can drag and drop roles to adjust the display order.

2. Selection range

  • All: All roles in the organization can be selected.

  • Specified organization roles

    • Select a fixed organization role.
    • Roles of the current user.
    • Select other organization role fields.

3. Permissions configuration

For members in the selected organization role, roles of the current record can be assigned to them, with the following three roles:

  • Members: Members of the selected organization role are recorded as members of the record.
  • Owner: Members of the selected organization role are recorded as owners of the record.
  • Null (Data storage only): The o-roles field is like a text field, and the selected organization role is like data entry.

Although the selected member is set as a member or owner of the record, this member may not necessarily have the actual permissions to view or manage the record; it also depends on the configuration of roles and permissions. For more details, check out this article.

3. Default value

The default value of the o-roles field refers to the organization role which is automatically selected in the o-roles field when creating a record. You can set a fixed organization role, select other o-roles fields, or reference o-roles fields in records from other worksheets.

If the o-roles field is single selection, for the default value, if there are multiple roles, only display the first role as the default role.

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