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Control - Members

You can select colleagues or personal friends in your Contacts. At the same time, it supports to notify the selected person, and you can also give the selected person the permissions to manage the record.

Setting Details

1. Quantity: Single/Multiple Selection

    Single selection means that only one person can be selected; multiple selection means that more than one person can be selected. It can be switched after saving.

2. Member Type

  • Oedinary: You can select members of the organization, external collaborators, and friends.

  • Portal: You can only select external users of the current application.

The member type cannot be changed after saving.

As shown below, if the current application does not Enable External Portal, the members are of ordinary type without such configuration.

2. Default Value

For the person selected by default when creating a record, you can set it to a fixed person, or the creator of the record (current user), or to get the person selected in other member fields.

3. Permissions Configuration

  • Members: The selected person is assigned as a member of this record.
  • Owner: The selected person is assigned the same status as the owner of the record.
  • Data storage only: The members field is like a text field, as a data entry.

As a member and owner of a record, the user is not necessarily able to view or manage the record, but also needs to take into account the configuration of the role's permissions. View more details

4. Members allowed to select

If checked, when selecting, only those members within the selection range will be displayed. For example, when a sales assistant is assigning leads, only those members in the Sales Department can be selected, so check the Sales Department can here.

You can select a Members/Department/O-roles field, and members in these fields can be selected.

  • If you select the department in which the current user is in, it includes the members of the subordinate department.

  • If the specified department is selected, when selecting members, only members of this department or these departments can be selected (including subordinate departments, even if the subordinate department is unchecked).

Note: It supports mixed multi-selection of members, departments, and o-roles fields, and the members who can be selected are the concatenation.

This feature is not available in the members field of portal type.

5. Notified when join

If checked, when a person is selected in the record, the person will receive a notification.


If you check [Owner], [Notified when join] is checked by default.

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