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Filter Associated Records

When associating records, for the list of records to be selected, you can configure filtering criteria to filter out some records in addition to narrowing down the search.

Example 1: When associating products in an order, only valid products are displayed

Before filtering:

Both valid and invalid products are displayed.

Configure the filter

Show only valid products in the list to be selected.

Filter Configuration

  1. Add filter conditions

    The filter condition consists of a field, an operator relationship and a parameter value.

    For example, in the following figure, [Type] is a field, [Equal to] is an operator relationship, and [Valid] is a parameter value.

  2. Parameter selection

    The parameter value can be a fixed value or a dynamic value (depending on the value of a field in the record, it can be the field value of the current record, or the field value of the record associated with the current record).

  1. Condition group

    You can set multiple conditions. The relationship between conditions is an "and", or "or".

Example 2: Linking among associated worksheets

For example: The association among the three worksheets is as follows.

Customer is associated with Contact (1-to-many)

Contact is associated with Order (1-to-many)

Customer is associated with Order (1-to-many)

When you create an order, you need to associate a customer company and a contact person. After associating a customer company, only the contacts from the previous customer company should be displayed when associating contacts.

Before filtering

When you select "A" for the customer company, the contacts from other companies are still displayed when associating contacts.

Configure filtering


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