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Node - Branch

Function: Through the branch node, the data in different states go through different processes. After all branches have been executed, they are then converged to the trunk process.


When there is a new work order, A is assigned to follow up if it is about pre-sales purchase; B is assigned to follow up if it is about business cooperation, and C is designed to follow up other cases.

4 different structures of branches

There are 4 different types of branch structures based on the way they are used.

  • Inclusive branch:

    Based on the recorded data, you can add multiple branches and set different conditions.

    Features: Execute all branches that meet the conditions one by one from left to right. However, if a node such as [Delay], [Approval], [Fill in] and [Subflow] is encountered in the left branch, it will no longer wait for the branch to finish executing and the right branch will start executing.

  • Unique branch:

    Based on the recorded data, you can add multiple branches and set different conditions.

    Features: Only the first branch that matches the condition is executed from left to right, the right branch is no longer executed even if it matches the condition. If you want to quickly implement “if-else if-else” branching logic, choose this branch.

    Inclusive branches and unique branches can be converted to each other.

  • Add a branch based on the approval result

    Depending on the result of the [Approval] node, there are two branches, Approve and Reject.

  • Add a branch based on the finding results

    Depending on the result of the [Get single piece of data] node, there are two branches, Data exist and No data.

Example 1: Inclusive branch and unique branch

Scenario: When there is a new work order, A is assigned to follow up if it is about pre-sales purchase; B is assigned to follow up if it is about business cooperation, and C is designed to follow up other cases.

1. Add the node – [Branch]

According to the business scenario, there are three branches. You can first set up branches about purchase consulting and business cooperation, because whether it is an inclusive branch or a unique branch, at most one of these two branches can be executed.

2. Set the last branch

The last branch involves more types of questions, including all cases except purchase consulting and business cooperation, and even cases where the field is empty.

  • If select the inclusive branch:

    If the filter conditions are met, the inclusive branch can be executed. So, if you set the third branch as an inclusive branch, the filter is configured as follows:

  • If select the unique branch:

    The filter of the last branch is actually the remaining conditions of the first two branches, that is, if none of the conditions of the first two branches are met, the last branch has to be executed. You don’t have to set filter conditions for the third branch.


    • Switch it to a unique branch.

    • Add a branch without any conditions.

3. Add later actions for each branch

For each branch, configure the corresponding action node.

Example 2: Add a branch based on the approval result

Scenario: When a reimbursement request is approved, the status is changed to “Approved”; if it is rejected, the status is changed to “Rejected”.

After the [Approval] node, you can add a branch, select [Add a branch flow based on the approval result], and set the required action nodes.

If there is no branch based on the approval result after the [Approval] node, the workflow will end if it is rejected.

Example 3: Add a branch based on the finding results

Scenario: When a lead is processed and you want to turn it into a customer, you need to check whether this customer already exists in the customer worksheet first, if it does, associate this customer; if not, create a new customer record.

1). Add a branch node after the [Get single piece pf data] node, and select [Add a branch flow based on the finding results].

2). Configure the action nodes for each branch.

Basic operations for branch node

1. Add/Copy a branch

You can only add or copy branch processes in inclusive branches and unique branches.

Only the filter of branches is copied, the nodes in the branching process are not copied.

2. Expand/Collapse branches

It is only available for inclusive branches and unique branches.

3. Conversion of inclusive branches and unique branches

The icon for the inclusive branch is a circle and the icon for the unique branch is an X. Hover over the icon and click the button on the left to switch the type.

4. Delete a branch

  • When there are more than two branches, if a branch is deleted, the filter of this branch and all nodes in this branch process are deleted.
  • When there are only two branches, follow the above logic when deleting Branch 1. For Branch 2, the subsequent nodes in this branch are retained as a single-path process, but the filters are removed.

As shown in the figure, A, F, G are retained.

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