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Node - New Task

Function: When the data in the worksheet is changed, a new task can be created automatically by [New Task].


When a new purchase record is added and approved by the approver, create a related purchase task automatically.。

1. Select the project and board that the task belongs to

Visible projects can be selected.

2. Set the new task

Set the name, owner, participants, start time, end time, and description of the task.

Custom fields for tasks are not supported at this time.


Task Name and Task Description are of text type. Click to write (A) a fixed value (If this, the task name will be the same each time it is created), or you can select (B) values of node objects.

It is also possible to set a combination of fixed and dynamic values.

Task Owner, Participant, and Time are of option type, and you need to click and select.

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