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Get approval details

In the [Get Multiple Data] node, you can get the approval details, such as the approver, approval time, approval result, comment, and signature in an approval node. You can also get the operation details in the [Fill in] node and the [Send Station Notice] node.

Since there may be more than one approver in an approval node, the data returned is in a multi-row structure, which require the [Get Multiple Data] node.

The information items that can be obtained are Record ID, Operator, Arrival Time, Operation Time, Operation (Pass/Reject,Submit), Remarks (Approval Comment), and Signature.

Use Case

Scenario: o get approval details of an [Approval] node (The same method to get the details of the [Fill in] node).


  1. Create an Approval Details worksheet and associate it with the Approval worksheet, and it is a two-way association.

  2. In the [Approval] node, after it is passed, get the approval result and the approval comment directly.

    Remember to add the [Branch] node first (the approval result branch).

  3. Write the obtained approval details to the Approval Details worksheet.

    If to get the details of the [Fill in] node, the content of the filled field cannot be obtained, but only the record ID, operator (filler), operation time (submission time), and operation (submission) can be obtained.

    Can't select content for [Update Record] node?

    The approval details obtained are in a multi-row structure (even if there is only one row). If you do not need to write the approval details to the worksheet, but to a field, or to use a certain information, you can get it again through the [Get from multiple data items] in the [Get Single Data] node, so that it can be converted to a single-row data structure that can be used by the [Update Record] node.

    Configure the [Get Single Data] node:

  4. After configuration, publish the workflow.

Each approval node needs to be configured this way once on both the pass and reject branches. Nodes with multiple approvers will only fetch the data once when every approver is done.

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